Ready Child
School readiness starts when a Child is enrolled at My Planet Childcare. We aim to cover all Curriculum Areas, the NQS, our Outcomes (EYLF and Developmental Milestones) and work within our Philosophy to help each child to Become a Ready Child.
My Planet
Best Start
Identifies literacy and numeracy skills on entry to kindergarten
QA1 - Educational Program and Practice
QA2 - Children's Health and Safety
QA3 - Physical Environment
QA4 - Staffing Arrangements
QA5 - Relationships with Children
QA6 - Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
QA7 - Leadership and Service Management
1. Identity
2. Community
3. Wellbeing
4. Learning
5. Communication
My Planet Curriculum
Pedagogy (Teaching Practices and Methods)
Physical Development and Health
Social and Personal Learning
Science and Technology
Creative Arts
Language, Literacy and Communication
Mathematics and Numeracy
Early Childhood Education and Care begins the moment the child walks through the door. Having daily routines, providing self-help learning and life-skill development, structured and non-structured activities are all part of a child’s day. Our Educators understand this and can provide an environment and activities where learning happens all day. Our Educators take on this responsibility to provide activities and experiences that integrate all curriculum areas, addressing the needs of the ‘whole child,’ both mainstream and neurodiverse children.
Let’s work together to help your child be a “Ready Child”
Observations & Progress Reports
National Quality Standards

Acequa is the national authority who use the National Quality Framework (NQF) to provide a national approach to regulation, assessment and quality improvement for early childhood education and care services across Australia.
In making decisions about operating our centre we work in achieving the National Quality Standards to continuously improve practice using the guiding principles of the 7 Quality Areas.
Early Years Learning Framework

The Early Years Learning Framework is an early childhood curriculum framework, which guides educators in developing quality, early childhood education programs.
We use the Early Years Learning Framework in all aspects of our Curriculum where we then link them in our Curriculum Decisions and Educational Records. The EYLF holds 5 main Outcomes, 5 Principles and 8 Practices that we use for our Play Based learning approaches. With all this we strive for excellence in the care and development of your child, with rewarding and quality individual care.
Best Start
School Expectations

Schools are aware that every child starts school with their own abilities, experiences and skills. No preparation is needed for this assessment. School teachers use this information to develop the learning programs taking in consideration each child’s knowledge and ability shown during the assessment.
At My Planet Childcare we work very closely with our local schools in understanding their expectations with parent workshops, educator meetings, big school excursions for our preschoolers etc. In turn they get to know your child better in visiting our centre, accessing our Transition to School Statements and other educational documents for your child.
My Planet Curriculum
The Curriculum refers to all of our activities that happen during the day and provides children with balanced opportunities for quiet times, alone and group times, adequate rest periods, small and large group activities and provision for non-participating children. Curriculum Decisions refer to our planned and spontaneous experiences that take place including the way in which we set up the resources in the rooms, which is all designed to foster children’s learning and development.
Educators use the centres software Earlyworks to develop these Experiences for the children based on the Curriculum Areas. Educators work in a team approach guiding and leading with ideas with the rest of the team. Educators work with children, parents/guardians, families and the community to enrich the Curriculum and to continuously work to improve our service to meet everyone’s individual needs.

Physical Development and Health | Creative Arts | Science and Technology | Language, Literacy and Communication | Social Studies | Mathematics and Numeracy | Social and Personal Learning
Child Interest

Spontaneous moments are observed with children in what they say, see or do. We observe how they interact and engage with resources, the environment and their peers.
Using this input and our own meaningful interactions with your children it helps us understand where there interests lie, thus guiding us into implementing programs that are both educational and fun.
Observations & Progress Reports
As educators we are observing your child engaging, reacting, interacting, and demonstrating their skills and knowledge in the experience or provision they are provided with and involved in.
Using the EYLF, Child Developmental Milestones, Educator Knowledge & Expertise, School Expectations and Family Expectations we have developed our My Planet Outcomes. We have specifically tailored our outcomes into 3 age range groups with comprehensive guided steps to identity strengths and skills.
Using OWNA, our Learning Software, outcomes are recorded via our Developmental Summaries, Observations and Transition to School Statements. It help us understand what your child is currently achieving independently and what they need assistance with. From this we are able to plan and tailor individual and group Curriculum Programs to further independence and confidence.

Family & Community Input

Families are encouraged to share in our experiences at My Planet. We invite, embrace and promote families and the local community to participate and share aspects of their culture, knowledge and expertise. This help's our centre to provide more diverse and enriching experiences for children, educators and families.
Information Sessions, Parent Workshops, Community Projects are held several times throughout the year, as well as Formal and Informal Social Events. These are good opportunities for the community to come together to learn and play.
The expertise of families is recognized and Parents/Guardians share in decision making about their child’s learning and wellbeing. We help facilitate this through Progress and Development Meetings with Families and/or Allied Health Professionals.